How to get your mojo back as lockdown lifts

Hey Tribe,

It’s been a while. I hope you are all doing well.

Is the thought of the world re-opening is proving a little daunting? Maybe lockdown lifting is exciting but overwhelming? Below are my top tips to help you get your mojo back as ahead of the grand re-opening. I hope this helps to lift spirits; the sun this week has undoubtedly provided a much-needed boost.

  1. Get that hair appointment booked. Let’s face it, as soon as you can see people, your diary will be jam-packed. Feeling glam boosts your mood. You will feel more ‘you’ without grey or dark roots winking at you through the mirror. Not to mention a haircut, the lockdown has made even the most elegant a little feral.
  2. Declutter; this goes for your room, shoes, kitchen, the house in general.  Out with the old and in with the new. Deculturing will release stagnated energy; you may even feel physically lighter? Give thanks for their service and let them go.  I donate my old loves to a charity shop, meaning I get the added emotional boost of doing a good deed.
  3. Book fun things to do, have something to look forward too. Outdoor restaurants or even indoor ones in a few months. Plan holidays and adventurers. The excitement of planning and knowing lockdown is really coming to an end will lift you.
  4. Lights out by 11 pm. According to Chinese medicine, each of your major organs has a 2 hours processing slot. The Gall Bladder resets and recharges between 11 pm-1 am; this is the optimal time to sleep if you want to feel rested and alert the next day. It gives you significantly more energy and pep if you are asleep before the middle of the night, AKA midnight.
  5. Tackle whatever is weighing on you. If you are feeling overwhelmed, could you improve your boundaries? Surround yourself with friends that uplift you.  Work on the issues that you are gnawing at you. I’m doing Instagram lives every Sunday at 19:30 during lockdown. My team and I are helping to lift the lockdown blues. If that resonates, why not come along?

I have an event with Mind Body Spirit coming up on the 23rd of March. My team and I will be dissolving karmic themes. What’s a karmic theme? A theme is anything that repeats time and time again. Grief, rejection, betrayal, abandonment, shame etc. A series of events that duplicate throughout your life, causing pain and distress. Please do join if it resonates with you.

If you are interested in learning level one, the next class is on April 17-18th. For more info on what you learn, please click here.

I have also been busy writing a stack of press, here’s the link to read all about it.

We are through the worst of covid dear friends; we have an exit strategy and hope. Stay strong.

With love,


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