Welcome to the Tribe & MBS Birmingham

Hi Tribe,

How are ya?

Wow what a weekend! As you know I was at the Mind Body Soul Expo at Alexandra Palace, London. I made 2 speeches and recruited many more students and friends to the Tribe. If you are one of them welcome aboard!

As you may also know I am at the Mind Body Spirit Wellbeing Festival at the NEC Birmingham next weekend! I have a speech on Friday, 1st November at 10:30am

I’ll be on the main stage with this speech.

Clearing Emotional Trauma: A new understanding on depression and anxiety including a live demonstration on stage re clearing emotional trauma.

I hope you are planning to come to this wonderful event already, I’ll also be on stand E8 selling orgonite, and my range of CBD products, as well as healing and classes. It all went down a storm at the London show so I’m hoping you Brummies will love them too!

If you would like to win a pair of tickets to any of the days please reply to this email with an answer to the following question…

What is the title of my talk at the NEC next weekend?

I know you know the answer!

Right, I have some winners to announce. At the Mind Body Soul last weekend, I ran a competition to win 3 different prizes. The 3rd prize winner gets an orgonite, the second prize is a healing with me and the winner gets to attend a workshop!

Drum roll please.

In third place we have Fidel Breducindo who wins an orgonite

In second we have Louby McLouchlin  who wins a healing

And the winner who gets a free workshop is Karen Callis!

Now we have the logistics out of the way we can get back to what happened at the weekend. The speech on Saturday was so much fun.

The topic I was meant to be talking about was clearing emotional trauma, but I ended up doing far more. I explained how unresolved trauma is like individual Pandora boxes. They lay dormant locked away for days, weeks or even months at a time, until we are reminded of the situation. Something triggers us and whoosh all this energy and emotion totally overwhelms us. When the box is opened and the emotion released, that is when I can help. This can be accessed simply by thinking of it and feeling the pain associated, if you can’t open the box then I can’t assist.

Once you are feeling the trauma I can literally dissolve it in an instant.

I had 3 people come on stage. The first with a typical trauma, a situation that happened long ago that was still emotionally charged. I dissolved it in an instant. They were happy, even shocked that it was gone so quickly.

The next 2 ended up being breakups. I wasn’t planning on addressing breakups. These had happened only recently or new information had come to light. So, I ended up having to discuss what causes anxiety/obsession which was the topic for Sunday’s talk. There was an overlap. Thankfully it all worked beautifully and they all felt totally clear and happy, the memories remaining less the pain. Success!

I’m looking forward to doing more of the same next weekend. I can’t wait to see you there! I look forward to your competition entries, the question once again:-

What is the title of my talk at the NEC next weekend?

Please simply reply with the answer.

Thanks for your continued support.



PS: I still have 2 places on the Highlights level  1, 9-10th November, as well as a few for Feb 1-2 if you want to sign up to that please do let me know. I’ll even do you a little favour. If you pay a deposit of £50 now, I’ll keep the expo price of £170, as opposed to £250, so a discount of 1/3 off valid for a year, so please do let me know ASAP.

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