TV host turns celebrity ‘healer’ banishing bad energy in form of ‘trolls and snakes’

Hey Tribe,

I was in the Daily Star this week. The article was called:-

‘TV host turns celebrity ‘healer’ banishing bad energy in form of ‘trolls and snakes”

It’s a clickbait title, and it’s true. These multi-dimensional beings are the ones that cause negative brain chatter. I think the are responsible for all sorts of dis-eases too.

This article was made into a video that was in placed in several publications from Belfast to Australia.

I also wanted to remind you of the event I am doing on Wednesday at 19:30 here is the link to register on Eventbrite and the info. I hope to see you there!

Antonia and the Divine Empowerment practitioners will be erasing or at the very least reducing body aches and physical pain in this talk.

About this Event

Antonia and the Divine Empowerment practitioners will be erasing or at the very least reducing body aches and physical pain in this talk.

This is the first time Antonia and the team have attempted such a bold seminar but are confident they will WOW you!

Do you have chronic back pain? Maybe your shoulders ache all the time? Did you have an injury years ago that hasn’t healed fully? Whatever physical pain you have they will work to shift it.

Come and see for yourself if this kind of work is even possible?

This is an interactive workshop, they will be calling people onto the camera from the audience and dissolving their pain live on screen for lasting results.

We can’t wait for you to be the first to see this pioneering work!

With love,


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