I’m in OK! The Capsule and I have a virtual event on the 29th May

Dear Tribe,

Wow, big week for me.

I don’t know what to tell you first. Maybe that I am in OK! Magazine for the second time. This time I have a full page article, my first in a major publication, I’m tickled pink.

‘Top tips on how to cope with stress and anxiety during coronavirus lockdown from a wellness guru’

If you can believe it I’m also in another magazine called The Capsule Managing Your Wellbeing With Divine Empowerment Founder Antonia Harman

If all that is not enough, I’m doing a virtual event next week. I will be doing a one hour zoom session on Friday the 29th at 6pm. I will be talking about what I do, dissolving traumas and phobias in participants.

Here is the info

Now more than ever you need to look after yourself!
Feel healthier, happier and more relaxed with wellness expert Antonia Harman.
Through holistic methods Antonia will dissolve your anxiety, stress and negativity to enhance your personal wellbeing – both physically and mentally. Antonia will use her pioneering techniques to help dissolve traumas, grief, phobias and help you clear your “mental chatter” during the Divine Empowerment Wellness Event.
Antonia will teach you the tricks, tips and techniques to banish anxiety and bring out your best self!
Spaces are limited so RSVP is essential for Antonia’s digital wellness event to ensure your space.
The best version of you is just a session away.
What a great way to start the weekend!

I need your help promoting it. I have press attending and the more of my tribe that show, the better it will look. I’d be very grateful if you can share it across your social media, and share it with friends. That link again.

I was going to end there, but I just noticed that I am in another publication! I did a mental health workshop for Jacksons which is a massive building company, back in October here that is.

Have a wonderful weekend!

With love,



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