Dear Tribe,


How are you this week? We are in the midst of this Corona pandemic. Scared, home and bored? I think everyone is very well informed about that so I will stick to more joyful subjects!


First, if you didn’t manage to catch it, I was on Mark Dolan and Lizzie Cundy’s radio show on Talk Radio last Saturday. If you want to have a listen, please click here. It was awesome to be on such a prestigious show/ station.


Secondly, I’m in OK magazine online this week! Wow, that’s just incredible. Click here and scroll down to number 11 to read it, directly from their site. There is also a copy at the bottom of this email. I must say I’m elated to be in such a wonderful magazine. It’s a small piece but will lead to more, no doubt.


Please take this time to have some fun. Laughter really can heal. One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4-5 hours. One minute of laughter strengthens the immune system for 24 hours. Watch comedies, whatever makes you chuckle. If you are in solitude, you can even have a movie night, with friends watching the same film at the same time and group messaging comments.


My friends did a fancy dress pub quiz on Zoom a few evenings ago. This is a time to take up new hobbies, get to that book you have forgotten to finish. Learn things online. We never have enough hours in the day. There is never enough time to do all the things we want to. Spring clean, go through your wardrobe, drawers, cupboards and finally ditch the things you don’t need and never use. Clearing the house is cathartic, you feel lighter when it’s done. What have you been putting off until retirement besides travel? Can you do that now?


Make use of this time. There are so many yoga and exercise videos being posted for free now. Get fit, stretch, expand.


There are plenty of online gigs too. Live music even remotely is such a wonderful source of joy. Don’t miss out. Don’t let this virus get you down. This too shall pass my friends.


Lastly, next weekend’s class will be going ahead as normal, via Skype or Zoom. I will be in touch with everyone who signed up, in the next few days to go over the details. Click here for what we will learn.


Have a blessed week, stay safe and well!


With love,



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