Subscriber’s Choice – Addressing Loneliness and the Unconditional Love Bath
In this transformative session, Antonia addresses loneliness in all its forms. Loneliness often stems from the lies we tell ourselves—such as “you don’t deserve X”—or from the moments when we fail to keep our word, which slowly erodes our self-esteem. It’s important to remember that loneliness is not necessarily about being surrounded by people. As Robin Williams famously said:
“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”
Loneliness primarily relates to a disconnection from Source, or God. In this session, we work to deepen your connection to Source and address the feeling of not being seen. By clearing the disconnect between Source and self, participants can restore their sense of belonging.
We also focus on removing loneliness from our energetic fields. To further support this, Antonia creates a unique experience called the Unconditional Love Bath, where participants are submerged in a powerful new energy. This experience has been described as “warming,” “nourishing,” “expansive,” and “peaceful,” helping to bridge the gap between the individual and the unified field, and fostering a deeper connection to God.