Interviews And Articles To Cheer You Up!

Hey Tribe,

How are you coping in the Covid-chaos? I hope that you are fine and that your family are safe and well. We have the opportunity to slow down and re-prioritise our lives. How will it all be after this ends? Will people still want to commute to work when they have learnt that working remotely is possible?

I hope that you all have your health as well as job security at this uncertain time.

There are always opportunities when the world outside seems to be in chaos.
This is a time for self-reflection and growth should we choose to make use of it. Please do stay abreast of current affairs, but don’t subscribe to the ‘fear porn’ that is the news. If it ‘bleeds it leads’ so they always have the most graphic and awful stories on there. We should remember that most news stations sell advertising. The more ghastly they depict things, the more we watch and the higher their revenues are. So just don’t watch it too much, it can be damaging for your mental health.

If you want to see something a bit more uplifting, I have just the thing. This is an interview I did on Monday for Uptown Style Magazine.

I was also featured in another publication this week, Style Cartel. They wrote about some healing I did for them.


Now is a great time to learn something new. Especially if you are still getting paid and have time on your hands, why not take my healing class next weekend, the 9-10th via Zoom? I promise it will change your life. Click here for more details or just email me

I am also on Instagram live today at 10am if you wanted to have a trauma cleared, or see me in action?

Have a fab weekend!

With love,


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